Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quitting Clinton

The race is on they're neck and neck coming around the corner nearing the finish line and the winner is, I don't know. The race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nominee is so close the winner may be decided by superdelegates. So why does everyone want Hillary Clinton to drop out. Whether you are a Hillary Clinton supporter or not you have to give the woman credit for being persistent. Do I think Hillary should quit, H.E. to the double hockey sticks NO! Hillary has as much right as the other candidates to not only pursue her dreams, but to stay to very end. I don't agree with some of the tactics devised by her camp, but I do feel that she should not be forced to conceded because the media and political activist feel that she is a hinderance to the Obama campaign. If Barack Obama is the strongest candidate the mere fact that Hillary is still in the mix should have no affect on him winning the nomination. I think both candidates have an equal opportunity of winning the nomination. The fact that the race is so close shows that voters are voting and that's a good thing. Regardless of which candidate wins, the fact still remains we are getting rid of BUSH!

To read the plaque click on the picture.

Photo copied from the website

Friday, March 14, 2008

Lost Videos?

Can someone please explain to me why there are always lost then found video footage on shows such as "Entertainment Tonight" and "Extra"? I have always thought about this. Two days after Patrick Swayze announced that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, miraculously lost video footage of an interview that was taken 10 years ago was found. Can these shows just state that the footage was not usable at the time? I mean why is it always missing, lost, uncovered and then found? The producers of these shows should get a professional organizer to store the tapes. I suppose it's a selling point and a way to grip the hearts of the viewing public like myself, but for heavens sake why not be truthful about the fact that they are using the footage now in order to increase the viewership of the show. TMZ has absolutely no problems with this, after all they air the footage as soon as they shoot it. Just A Thought!

Photo copied from the website

Why are there so many "isms" in the 2008 Presidental Race?

I have noticed over the past few months increased attention is paid to the most notable features of each Presidential candidate. When John Edwards was in the running his $700 hair cut was the talk of the town. Mitt Romney's Rhett Butler looks were the charm. But now that we are down to three contenders there are three defining letters that are attached to each of them, I.S.M. Whenever John McCain's name is mentioned you can be sure that somewhere in the conversation his age is mentioned. His "ism" is age. Ageism not only defines John McCain to some it's the one thing that should prevent him from running for President. His active AARP card, the reality that he has gray hair and his young looking wife all deem him as unfit. How about looking at the facts, this man wants to stay in Iraq for another century, as a reason not to vote for him. Hillary Clinton's "ism" is based on her gender and that is genderism. Is it a crime to be a lawyer, a former first lady, current senator and be a woman running for President? I think not! But if you polled voters you are sure to get a few who would not vote for her because she is a woman. The fact that she cried in public did not help either. It appeared staged, but that was the icing on the cake for her opponents. Whatever! Go, Hillary! Last, but certainly not least Barack Obama, like the previous candidates Barack's "ism" is pretty darn obvious, or is it? His "ism" is based on his skin color, which results in comments that are under the category of racism. Whenever his name is uttered his racial color is mentioned. P.S. Barack can also be considered a Caucasian man after all his mother is white. For those who did not know there was another black candidate in this years Presidential race his name- Alan Keys, a republican. If there are debates or shows that touch upon the racial strife in the country everyone seems to look towards Barack for the answer. Why? He is not the only person with the answer for the racial problems in this country. There are some who feel that he is not black enough. Excuse me, but there is no pure race in this society? I thought that this was America the land of the free. This is the country where you are told you can do anything that you want, even become the President of the United States. How about looking at the candidates and review their stance on the issues that affect all of us like health care, the occupation in Iraq and education. So for all the people who have nothing better to do than to add an "ism" to the each of one of the candidates I say this to you-- GET A LIFE !

Photos copied from each candidates website.

Female Cutting vs Labiaplasty

A few months ago I was watching an episode of "Dr. 90210" and one of the medical procedures performed was called a labiaplasty. A Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure most commonly performed to reduce the size of a woman's inner labia. I was not aware of this procedure, but as I watched I began to wonder what was the difference between a labiaplasty and female genital cutting (FGC). To my surprise the only difference between the two procedures is based on consent. Labiaplasty is an elective procedure whereas FGC is not. The overall goal for both is to regain or retain a virgin like tightness. Does this type of procedure put pressure on women in both societies to conform to particular standard for men? I really wonder. Women have always been placed on a pedestal, one that determines what they should look like. What message is being sent to our young women when we in the western world are shouting that female cutting is wrong, but embracing it when it is disguised as cosmetic surgery?
I did a little research and found that in the United States it is illegal to alter the genitals on a female minor. A recent case in Georgia involved an Ethiopian immigrant who was sentenced to ten years in prison for removing his 7 year old daughters clitoris with a pair of scissors. Yet, we have shows like "Dr. 90210" and magazine advertisments that are sending messages that if your vagina does not look normal you have to fix it.
Every year somewhere in the world on the continent of Africa and neighboring countries over 2 million girls are cut. In many countries the ritualized female genital cutting is considered a ceremonial practice. The young girl is taken to a room where a person usually an, elder will perform the procedure. I watched a documentary about female genital cutting and watched as a woman displayed all of the tools she used to cut the girls. In a hut, what we in America consider unsanitary conditions, the woman took a razor blade and cut the labia of a young girl. The actual cutting was not shown, but I was deeply affected just by hearing the screams of the girl. I felt that this young girl had not justice and no voice. But, I really began to wonder why is it seen as abuse in this country when in fact it's a ritual?
I personally am glad that I live in a country where I am not subjected to this type of torture. I am glad that I have the ability to choose if I want to have this procedure done. But what I would like to see is a message of understanding. Understanding other cultures and undersatnding choices. I would like to see a message that tells young girls it's okay to be different. It's okay to be you. No one is going to see what you have under your clothes unless you show it to them and even then it's okay not to be perfect.

Photo courtesy of Amensty International

In a Tired City!

So-- you go out and walk on the streets of this tired city looking for hope, but hope is hard to find. So you look for dreams, but dreams are nowhere to be found. Then go back to your room, take off your dress, and think about lying down for a while, cause if you lie down then you might fall asleep. Sleep is the only place where hope and dreams have any kind of chance in this tired city. The moment your eyes close and you begin to dream you are awaken by the sounds of the world around you. Friends and family open your eyes to the possibility that there is more to life than living in this tired city. You take a moment to process everything, then you pack your bags and leave. Leave this tired city find your hopes and dreams. Never look back on what could have been, but look forward to fulfilling your hopes and dreams, as you leave this tired city.
Photo by C. Malcolm